Info Tech 9/10 Comics!

Your job is to try 5 of them on a number of the different topics below, put links to them on your web site, and in the blog section of your web site list the advantages and disadvantages of each one.

At least 2 advantages and disadvantage per program, but some of them have more then that.

Your marking for this system is simple:  10 marks per comic (5 * 10 = 50) and then 25 in total for the advantages and disadvantages of the programs you selected.  That’s 75 marks in total.

What to do:

  1. Decide which 5 comic websites you are going to use.
  2. Decide which 5 topics you are going to do.
  3. For each comic, list 2 advantages and disadvantages (for the comic program itself) and include that in your post.
  4. Take a screen cap of the comic strips and paste them into Paint files. Save as JPEG and upload that to your Assignments page on your website. Include the advantages/disadvantages below the comic. Each comic should be IT’S OWN PICTURE FILE so make sure you save the files accordingly.
Topics of the Comics.
Please pick a different topic per comic program.
  • Safety online – do 10 rules.
  • Different viruses on the Internet – do 5 with an explanation of each one and how to fix it.
  • Rules for a computer lab – how to make it safe (do 10)
  • What to think about when making a web site.
  • Rules for social networking and why we need them.
  • Twitter – what is it and how to use it.  An explanation of the program (10 things)
  • Explain how to use this comic book program (10 things to think about and use)
  • Bullying online – how to prevent it.
  • Flickr – what is it, and why to use it.

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