Social Studies 8 – William Propaganda Poster!

Propaganda Poster

Demonstrate your understanding of William the Conquerer in England after the Battle of Hastings and the concept of propaganda by creating a two sided poster. One side should be of William to convince the English that he is a good and powerful King and the other should be a contemporary image of modern propaganda of your own design. Have fun!


Here’s what we put together in class:

Creativity (5): Demonstrates that you understand the concept of propaganda in Williams’s role in England as well as modern-day propaganda by creating a clever modern image.

Reason/Message (10): convince someone of….your choice.

Caption (5): message on the bottom or top, or dialogue explaining cause!

Clarity (10): Make sense! Neat, colorful! Shouldn’t be stick people!

Total: 30 marks


You will have an additional 45 minutes of class time on Monday to work on your poster, this will be due on Thursday.

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