Info Tech 8 – Searching and Evaluating

Discussion Question:

Discuss with your partner some of the things that you have searched the internet for (school-related) and felt unsuccessful in finding. Can you remember which methods you used to search for it? Prepare a short list (three or four) words that you think would NARROW your search. HINT: Utilize the Boolean search method that we previously used in class…

Here’s a link to a great website on Boolean methods: Link

In your Blog, record the topic you were researching. List how many total hits there were under that topic. THEN try the search again but this time with the three or four words you listed using the Boolean method. How many links are there now?


Project Time:

Continue working on your search project…. if you’re trying to remember what it is, click the link at the right of the page to refresh your memory. When you finish that, you can begin working on the “Fake” vs. “Real” website. Good luck!!

When you’re finished, post both to your block and title them appropriately. Make sure they’re published!

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