Category Archives: Info Tech 11/12

Info Tech Mid-Term Blog Reflection

Today, on your blog, please copy/paste the following questions:

1. What have you found the most difficult part of this course? What are you doing in order to overcome this challenge? Please give an example.

2. What have you been the most successful at during the course? Why do you think you are successful in this area. Please supply an example.

3. How has Genius Hour impacted your attitude towards Info Tech? Is there anything you would like to change, or feedback you would like to give your teacher?

4. What sorts of skills must a person have in order to be considered “computer literate”? Make a list of five skills.

5. What projects/assignments/tasks have you completed and uploaded to your Digital Portfolio that demonstrates proficiency at these skills? Explain each example.

6. Have you achieved “mastery” at any of these skills? What does “mastery” mean to you? Explain with an example.

Info Tech – First Week

Google: Inside Search

  1. go to
  2. click on “How Search Works” and follow through all three of the lessons- take not of the way the information is presented to you. It will come in handy later on.
  3. Once you’ve finished the “How Search Works” section, check out the “Tips and Tricks” section.
  4. now go to and pick either “Power Searching” or “Advanced Power Searching”
  5. You have until the end of the week to complete 2 full lessons.
  6. You MUST take SCREEN CAPS of your completed activities. Paste them all into a word document which you will submit to me

Note: This is a self-directed project- search skills are highly important and a critical component of both Info Tech as well as the rest of your educational experience. A bit of work now will save you a lot of time later.

Assessment: You will be graded with a quiz at the end of your  search course as well as the screen caps of each activity.


Info Tech 11/12 – Welcome!

Please kick the link below and complete the questionnaire:

Once you’re finished complete the following:

  1. Add an empty file folder to your desktop titled “Info Tech Projects”
  2. Conduct some preliminary research on Social Networking websites and apps

Social Networking Research

  1. In a Word or Excel document, make a chart of at least 5 social networking sites.
  2. Create a way to organise them based on different criteria (that you choose) ex: target demographic, purpose, format, ease of use, method of communication, style of acquiring connections, etc.
  3. Brainstorm a way to research Enver Creek’s usage of these sites- see if you can think of a way to work data into your spreadsheet. For example, it would be useful to find out which sites are the most popular, what students use them for, why students are using those sites, issues students may have, and how their experiences can be improved.

Student Blog Websites

It would also be useful to start thinking about what format you want your e-portfolio to have. Every finished product we create in this class will be uploaded to your personal website- think about the format and maybe even web client you would like to use. If you don’t know, do some Google-fu.