Category Archives: Info Tech 9/10

Info Tech – First Week

Google: Inside Search

  1. go to
  2. click on “How Search Works” and follow through all three of the lessons- take not of the way the information is presented to you. It will come in handy later on.
  3. Once you’ve finished the “How Search Works” section, check out the “Tips and Tricks” section.
  4. now go to and pick either “Power Searching” or “Advanced Power Searching”
  5. You have until the end of the week to complete 2 full lessons.
  6. You MUST take SCREEN CAPS of your completed activities. Paste them all into a word document which you will submit to me

Note: This is a self-directed project- search skills are highly important and a critical component of both Info Tech as well as the rest of your educational experience. A bit of work now will save you a lot of time later.

Assessment: You will be graded with a quiz at the end of your  search course as well as the screen caps of each activity.


Info Tech Scratch Game Assignment

Once you have completed all of your Scratch mini-lessons, you can begin working on your final project.

Remember, the game plan you write before you start must include:

  • Type of game
  • Characters
  • Types of interaction (how do you move characters, how do the characters interact with their environment and each other)
  • Storyline
  • Levels of difficulty (does not need to be distinct ‘levels’, but rather increasing modes of difficulty- speed, size of implement, etc.)
  • Attractive Graphics – what will it look like?

Once finished, you must find a classmate to ‘test’ your game. Download the accompanying game testing assignment form.

Into to Info Tech 9/10

In an email to, answer the following questions;

1. What is your name?

2. What do you like to do in your spare time?

3. Why did you take info-tech?

4. What do you hope to get out of info tech?

5. What do you expect from your teacher?

6. What should your teacher expect from you?

7. Are there any specific things that you would like to learn this semester?

Once you are finished, feel free to use today as a flex block and finish any of your outstanding assignments.

Final Project – Info Tech

End of Term Reflection

You will be submitting a printed Word document and a printed PowerPoint document (6 or 9 slide notes) with the following:

Presence of Learning Samples (5 marks):                                                                                                                             

  • All of your assignments must be present on your Weebly

Web Layout, Text Elements, and Writing Mechanics (10 marks):

  • Refer to Rubric
  • Website is clean and organized
  • Spelling and grammar on all assignments/blogs is checked
  • Images are appropriate

Blog Selections and 250 Word Explanation of Blog (20 marks):

  • Copy 3 entries to a Word document.
  • Explain in 250 words the value of and reason behind writing the blogs.
  • Explain what interested you, what you would like to learn more about and why.

Five Critical Reflections on Assignments (25 marks):

  • All five reflections describe why artifacts in portfolio demonstrate achievement and contribute to your continued learning.
  • All reflections illustrate the ability to effectively critique work and provide suggestions for the future.
  •  “Why is this important?”
  • “What did I enjoy about this assignment?”
  • “Why would I want a potential employer to use this as an example of my ability?”

PowerPoint Document (10 marks)

  • Creative and leaves no question about your five assignment reflections and one blog explanation.
  • Table of Contents
  • Appropriate and logical flow of information
  • No Copy and Paste (ideas must be in point form)
  • Actual image caps from your assignments.
  • Printed as “notes” with 6 or 9 slides per page