Category Archives: Info Tech 9/10

Info Tech 8-10 Blog Catch-Up

Blog Catch-Up Day

Today’s class will be spent catching up on blog entries that you have not yet completed or you think could use a revision. Please ensure that you have all of the required blog topics completed. Mr. Brown will give you a checklist to check off. Once you’ve finished ALL of the blog topics, talk to Mr. Brown about any missing work that you have…

Only when you’re are COMPLETELY caught up can you begin working on your projects.

Info Tech 9/10

Dreamweaver and HTML

Today I’d like you to put together the HOME PAGE for your website! The Home Page and your “About / Contact” page will be due at the end of Wednesday’s class.

Here is an intro tutorial for using Adobe Dreamweaver. You don’t need to use it, but it makes the site a lot easier to put together while adding a lot of neat elements.

1: Page Layout

Please continue to be respectful to the classroom environment!




Location Tracking

Apple sued over location tracking in iOS

Two people are suing Apple for tracking user information on its devices, saying the company should have done a better job at disclosing the fact, as well as offering a way to turn it off.

A lawsuit filed against Apple in Florida last week accuses the company of violating privacy laws, as well as the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, by keeping a log of user locations without offering a way to disable the feature.

The suit, which was first reported by Bloomberg, was filed by Vikram Ajjampur and William Devito, both of whom own Apple products. In the suit, the pair, who seek punitive damages and injunctive relief, cite research from Alasdair Allen and Pete Warden about the tracking files found within iOS as the source for Apple’s collection techniques.

“Users of Apple’s iPhones and iPads, including Plaintiffs, were unaware of Apple’s tracking their locations and did not consent to such tracking,” the suit claims. “Apple collects the location information covertly, surreptitiously and in violations of law.”

The suit faults Apple specifically for not disclosing that the iOS software records “comprehensive” location data in its iTunes Terms of Service, nor offering end users informed consent of the practice.

“If Apple wanted to track the whereabouts of each of its products’ users, it should have obtained specific, particularized informed consent such that Apple consumers across America would not have been shocked and alarmed to learn of Apple’s practices in recent days,” the suit says.

The suit, which is seeking class action status, aims to have Apple completely disable the feature in the “next-released” version of the operating system. Until that happens, the suit claims Apple is in violation of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, state laws comparable to the Federal Trade Commission Act, and “common law rights in uniform ways” of the plaintiffs and class members.

Apple, which did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the suit, has not officially commented on the location tracking file since it came to light last week. An alleged e-mailexchange between Apple CEO Steve Jobs and a reader of MacRumors surfaced this morning. In it, Jobs purportedly says, “we don’t track anyone,” and “the info circulating around is false.” Apple has not confirmed or commented on the legitimacy of that correspondence.

In addition, Apple and Google were targeted today by Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan over location tracking. Madigan seeks a meeting with executives from both companies, as well as answers to her questions about disclosure and purpose of the tracking, and a way to turn the feature off. Madigan’s efforts join those of other politicians and government groups who seek to know more about what the companies are doing with the information.


Blog Questions:

  1. How would it make you feel if large companies or the government were tracking your every move with a cell phone?
  2. What do you think the government or large companies would do with this information?
  3. What do you think the benefits of location tracking are?

W3Schools Tutorial HTML

Check this link out, should help you with HTML

Your task:

Simple Page Assignment

This assignment can is unrelated to your Group Website Project- this is to show me you understand the basics of HTML. In wordpad, create a new file called “firstname.html“. Print out your code and post to your Weebly under theAssignments page with “Custom HTML” tag- the same way you embed other codes.

You can view your webpage if you copy the file name into your web browser! Try it!

You must have all of the following:

  • Title
  • Image
  • Bold
  • Underline
  • Body background
  • Alignment center
  • Alignment right
  • Alignment left
  • Italicize
  • Link to Weebly
  • Word color different
  • Font size changed in one area.

Assessment and Evaluation

Completed Components……. /12

Professional look ……../5

Original Content (something that YOU wrote rather than copy/paste) ……… /5

Successfully posted to your Weebly under Assignments (use “Custom HTML”)……../3

Total:    /25

Info Tech 9/10 – HTML Intro

When you first start out you have to have an idea, then you have to consider if other people may be interested in your idea.  It’s not just the principles of web site designing (the coding) that you learn now, it’s the importance of not adding more junk to the internet. Ask yourself these questions:

  • Is what I have to say unique, important, or will be of interest to others?
  • Will it add to the information highway?
  • Does it follow good web site practices?  Not too many pictues, using the full screen, not too long on the first page (did you know that most viewers lose interest in the web page within the first 3 seonds so you have to grab their interest?).
  • Does it take too long to load?  Once more think of the viewers losing interest before the web page loads up.

These are but a few things to think about when working on your web site.

Remember that the first page, the home page is never longer then the screen.  It’s the opening page, the grabber for the person surfing.  Make them stop, but don’t make them wait for your web page.

Assignment 1

Web mapping is the process of designing, implementing, generating and delivering maps on the World Wide Web and its product.


Before you can actually go about doing your web site you need to stop and think about it.  How many pages will I needs, what will each page contain, how long will it be?

You need to actually draw out what your web page will look like.  Using graphics, squares to represent pages, and lines connecting two squares to represent links.

How you can sit down and sketch what you want your page to look like. Use good old-fashioned pencil and paper. Forget about all this computer junk for a few minutes and just draw it. Where should the picture go on the page? Where should your writing go?  What about that link to another web page? Where can they go?

If it looks too crowded with everything on one page, think about having a second page and then linking them together. Also plan out what color you want everything to be. Should all the writing be green? Should there be a pattern in the background? Don’t worry about how you’re going to do all that stuff, just think about how you want it to look, and we’ll figure out the details later on.

Ready now?  Here’s your assignment.   I want you to draw out your web site design.  II want you to sub-divide your information.  Categorize your information into sections. Your home page has the outline of how your page will look.  Your other pages link to that home page, and so on.  Below is a poor design of what that page should look like but with paper and pen you can do a better job of creating those lines to link everything up.  Let a friend look at it when you are done.  Let him/her see if it looks ok, can it be divided up even more.  Where should things go.

web mapSee the Example to the left?  That’s what your map should look like.  Hand write this out- there is paper at the front of the room.  Ask your teacher how to use this applicaiton.


After you can created your first design, stop, think about what subject you wish to create the web site about, then design the idea of the first home page.  Make sure you get the agreement of your teacher on your subject matter of the web site. No violence, no car web site either.  I’ve seen enough of those.  Approve the topic, draw your web map, and use Photoshop to draw your first page and what colors you will be using.

10 marks for the overall design, 10 marks for the first page design.

Think hard on this.  You need to  do a clear, neat job.  Hand it in to the teacher when you are finished for marking and discussion.

Thank you.

Info Tech 9/10 – Artificial Intelligence Blog

Topic: Artificial Intelligence

On your blog, post a discussion about the following questions;

  1. What is artificial intelligence?
  2. Is artificial intelligence (AI) a form of life? Why or why not?
  3. Do we currently use artificial intelligence? Where and how?
  4. Find and explain at least one artificial intelligence system (program or machine) that is in operation today.
  5. Go to Wolfram Alpha, an online search that has artificially intelligent properties. Post the results of three searches that you think demonstrate AI.
  6. Do you know of any video games which you think demonstrate AI properties? Find some and write a short review explaining how you think it involves AI.

Once you are finished your blog, you can finish up any assignments that you may not have completed.

Info Tech 9/10 – Flash Assessment


With your partner, discuss why you think we’re learning Flash. What do you think it’s real-world applications could be? Could you use this to present a project for another class? What are the limitations?

Shape Tweening:

Watch as I marvel you with my impressive knowledge of the Shape Tween function in Flash! Please follow along!

Today’s Personal Goal:

Today you’re going to finish something today. That something is going to be the last 40 frames of your Car Animation Project. Once you finish, you’re going to:

  1. Export the file as a .GIF file.
  2. Attach it to an email and sent it to: (Include your mark in the email)
  3. Post the GIF file to your “Pictures” page and title it!
  4. Below your GIF

Assessment for your Car GIF:

Once you have finished your Car (both scenes) please self-assess your animation using the following criteria:

  • Does it actually work? – 5 marks
  • How complex is the last 40 frames? (is there only one motion or does the car do something else. Another button?) – 10 marks
  • Complexity/Quality of Graphics? – 10 marks

The Car Assignment is worth 25 marks!

Assessment for Banner:

Once you have finished your Banner please self-assess your animation using the following criteria:

  • Length (minimum 60+ frames) – 5 marks
  • Complexity of Motion Tweening – 10 marks
  • Complexity of Shape Tweening – 5 marks
  • Complexity/Quality of Graphics? – 10 marks
  • Interactivity – 10 marks
  • Effectiveness of banner (does it reach its target audience?) – 5 marks
  • Presentation Completion – 5 marks

Banner Assignment is worth 45 marks!

The banners will be presented to the class- Your presentation must include:

  • Evidence of planning and preparation for your banner.
  • Explanation of biggest challenge for project and how you overcame it.
  • Explanation of why Mr. Brown should choose your banner to go on his website.

Info Tech 9/10 – Flash Continued…

Quick Review:

With a partner, come up with two similarities and two differences between Adobe Flash and Adobe Photoshop. Which one has an easier interface? Why?

What is the most difficult part about working with Flash? What do you think are some ways we can overcome those obstacles?

Today’s Personal Goal:

Today you will try to learn one new thing about creating in flash- be it tweening an animation or motion. Be prepared to describe what you did at the end of class.

Project Progress:

Refer to yesterday’s post about the Flash Banner. Remember, if you have questions, let me know!

End-of-Class Review:

Once you’ve logged off of your computer, discuss with your neighbor and be prepared to answer the following: What did you accomplish today? Did you accomplish your personal goal?

Info Tech 9/10 – Flash Banner Assignment

Once you have finished your Flash Car Animation (and have finished animating your personal frames) continue on with the Flash banner assignment.

Flash Banner

Once you have created the Flash banner in the Tutorial handout, create your own banner. You can choose from the following topics:

  • “No fuss with the bus” – Public Transportation campaign for Sullivan Heights.
  • Personal banner for your Weebly (don’t include your first name)
  • Information Technology 10 advertisement (for people next year)
  • Fictional product advertisement.
  • Tuesday PE Club advertisment

Once you decide which banner you’re going to do, post it on your Weebly.

Hint: Save your banner as a .GIF file and upload it as a picture.

Project Assessment: What are some criteria that make up a good advertisement. Come up with a list of three points and reasons why they’re important. We’ll discuss them in class.