Category Archives: Social Studies 8

Social Studies 8 – Northern Renaissance and Technology

Technological Change during the Renaissance


How important is technology to society? What do you think the most important change in the last 50 years has been? Why?



1. Copy down selection from Il Principe by Machiavelli for 5 minutes. How much did you get down?

2. Discuss the value of technology on our lives and how technology may hold us back in other ways.

3. Compare other aspects of the Northern Renaissance with that of the Italian Renaissance- Complete Art of Northern Renaissance worksheet in pairs.

4. What was the most significant difference between the two? Discuss and present to class.

5. Review Role of Women for Jeopardy Game on Friday.

Socials 8 – Black Death Web Project


Today we’re going to be doing a simulation for the Black Death! I’ll be putting you into groups and in those groups I’ll want you to come up with a plan that includes a detailed description of the Plague as well as a Emergency Preparedness Plan.

Due at the end of the block!


  • AT LEAST 3 references of your own.
  • Notes from each reference
  • Role Questions
  • Point Form “Goals” for protecting your town.
  • Detailed Emergency Plan (you come up with format. Don’t leave ANYTHING out)


Possible Research links:


Canada Public Health

World Health Organization

Socials 8

Friday!!! Wooo!!!

1. Review Journal (as discussed yesterday)

“What was the most important result of the Crusades? Why was it so significant?” – Write a full paragraph, please. 🙂

2. Use the rest of the block to COMPLETE your rough draft. You MUST have it looked over by your partner and submit it by the end of the block. If you are doing #3 a rough sketch/outline will suffice but you must have explanations of your symbolism. Simply drawing swords and shields will not cut it (pun?).

Social Studies 8

Order of Events:

1. Discuss the lifestyle of clergy members of the Catholic Church during the Middle Ages. What was a normal day like for a nun or a monk? What sorts of experiences did they have? What was the most rewarding and the most difficult part of their lives?

2. Trial by Ordeal:
– Watch a Monty Python clip from Monty Python and the Holy Grail (Burn the witch!)
– Discuss what a trial by battle and ordeal was. Do we have anythign similar in modern society? Why not?
– Complete worksheet that was handed out in class- compare the three types of court (Manor, Royal, and Church)

3. Work on Poster

Note: Your poster is due on Thursday. If you need an extension, email me, tweet me or discuss with me in person!

Social Studies 8

Church and Royal Courts


1. We will review William’s role in England after Hastings and the propaganda that helped establish him as ruler.

2. Compare and contrast the role of the Church and Royals during the Middle Ages in Europe.

3. I’ll allow more time today to work on your propaganda posters. Remember- still due on Thrusday!


Note: Many of you have outstanding assignments. I’ll be looking for these this week!

Social Studies 8 – William Propaganda Poster!

Propaganda Poster

Demonstrate your understanding of William the Conquerer in England after the Battle of Hastings and the concept of propaganda by creating a two sided poster. One side should be of William to convince the English that he is a good and powerful King and the other should be a contemporary image of modern propaganda of your own design. Have fun!


Here’s what we put together in class:

Creativity (5): Demonstrates that you understand the concept of propaganda in Williams’s role in England as well as modern-day propaganda by creating a clever modern image.

Reason/Message (10): convince someone of….your choice.

Caption (5): message on the bottom or top, or dialogue explaining cause!

Clarity (10): Make sense! Neat, colorful! Shouldn’t be stick people!

Total: 30 marks


You will have an additional 45 minutes of class time on Monday to work on your poster, this will be due on Thursday.

Social Studies 8

Love, War and Propaganda


1. Keeping up with our theme of propaganda (then and now) think about the question: “To what extent is propaganda effective if the reader knows and understands its intent? Can an educated and thinking person be fooled by such a thing?”

2. Read about the Domesday Book and discuss why it was created by King William.

3. Create a two-sided poster detailing propaganda then and now. On one side will be a poster for King William declaring him King of England and his Domesday Book and on the other side will be your choice of a modern-day form of propaganda. Be creative!


In class we will create a rubric for the assignment. What makes a good and effective propaganda poster?