Category Archives: Social Studies 8

Social Studies 8

Feudalism Simulation

Today we covered quite a bit:

1. How does feudalism work?

2. Who are the main beneficiaries and how exactly do they benefit?

3. Problems involved.

4. What was daily life actually like?

(Hope you enjoyed your smarties).

We completed a short diary entry describing the lifestyles of everyone from the “peasant” all the way up to “vassal”, “noble” and “King”.

Socials 8

Order of Events

1. Viking Review!

  • To what extent was life different for a Viking than a person living today?

2. Beyeux Tapestry!

  • Read pages 38-42
  • In groups of 4, act out a scene!
  • Discuss what the term “propaganda” and what it means. Are there any modern examples of propaganda?

3. Work on Viking paragraph/comic assignment.

Social Studies 8

Epic Tale!

Taking what we learned from Beowulf today, we’ve set out to create our own master epics!

Here is the assessment scheme we constructed as a group:

Quality (5): How well it is done; actually a poem rather than prose story; can be free verse or rhyme; must have 20 lines; must have a beginning, middle and end.

Originality/Creativity (10): Not exactly like a movie you’ve seen! Demonstrates use of your imagination (isn’t too similar to Beowulf itself); may use characters based on people you know or have dreamed up!

Mechanics (5): No spelling or grammar errors, uses words that you looked up in a thesaurus!

Presentation (5): Looks great! Takes elements from the theme of your epic and translates that to the poem. For instance, an epic about a pirate at sea might take on nautical elements – could be printed on a treasure map!

Total: 25

As I said on Thursday, this assignment is due on Monday. If you need an extension you will need to speak to me.