Add Your Face to a Poster Project

This project is a great way to flex your Photoshop muscles. If you come to an area where you have difficulty, check out a tutorial on either YouTube or one of the hundred websites that explain individual tools. As always, there are print resources (books) that Mr. Brown can give you.

Note: If you would prefer, you may complete a completely “original” movie poster on your own.

1. Search Google Images for a movie poster that you think would work well for this project. Find something with CLEAR faces. Keep the image appropriate- there should be no drug references, explicit images, or excessive violence.

2. Take a digital camera from Mr.Brown and have someone take your picture in front of the wall at the same angle and facial expression as the person you are replacing on the movie poster.

3. Using the card reader, upload your photo to the computer and create a new file on your hard drive called “Photoshop Raw images”. Save your portrait here.

4. Check out THIS link and see if you can follow along. This is only one example- your photo and movie poster may be different.

5. Once you’re finished- “Save to Web” as a “medium JPEG” on your Assignments page.


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