Facebook 101

What’s Going on Today

If you’re not on Facebook, we’re sure you have older siblings and friends who already are. Before you go diving into an ocean of strangers – because, yes, anyone can get on Facebook and maybe see all your business – take a step back and think carefully.

In this activity, we’re going to work through setting up a profile that’s true to who you are. At the same time, we’ll learn about who can access what information about you through your privacy settings. Remember, you’re in control of your image and you know that not all outfits are meant for every occasion.


When your instructor asks you to go to the websites below, open them in your browser.

Social Networks 101. Watch the video and discuss the following questions:

  1. Facebook is one social networking tool. Can you name any others?
  2. What’s the difference between a regular website and a social network website?
  3. What kinds of information can users put on their social network web pages?
  4. Who can view your information on a social network?
  5. How can you control who views your information, using your privacy settings?
  6. What privacy settings would you set for yourself? Why?
  7. If you could see five celebrities’ fully honest Facebook profiles, whose would they be?

Discuss Your Facebook Use. When your instructor asks you to, answer discuss these questions with your group:

  1. What do you/would you use Facebook for? What types of communication do you/would you use it for?
  2. What are some types of communication that Facebook is not appropriate for?
  3. Who would you feel comfortable having as your Facebook friend?
  4. Who would you not want to be your Facebook friend?
  5. Can you name ten people who you want to friend on Facebook, knowing that they will all have complete access to your profile (this includes your wall, photos, videos, status updates, etc.)? Can you name 20? 30? Do you think you have more than 100 people in your life who you trust with all that information? Did it get harder to think of additional people who you trusted enough to allow access to your profile information?
  6. What people in your life would you like to be Facebook friends with, but only give them limited access to your profile?
  7. Of the people you thought of for the last question, which are your friends? Family? Employers? Teachers? Former friends? Former employers?
  8. What groups would you start?

PC World Article. Read the article on how to avoid real-life Facebook disasters.



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