Retouching Reality


Retouching Reality Slides

Video link:


In-Class Discussion Questions:

1.Is there a difference between a digitally manipulated image in an advertisement and one in a news article? Do the benefits and drawbacks of photo manipulation depend on the context, which means where and how the photos are used?
2.Some people wondered if Microsoft changed the photo in order to appeal to a mostly white Polish audience. Would that be a valid reason to manipulate the photo? Do you think what Microsoft did was ethical?
3.Should there be rules about how we digitally manipulate images in the media? Why or why not? What would they be?


Blog Questions:

Create an entry on your Weebly blog page and call it “Retouching Reality”

1.Where do we draw the line between creativity and deception?
2.How do the purpose and context of photo editing affect how we feel about it?
3.What role does the internet play in allowing us to share, inspire, and critique images that have been edited?
4. Edit the picture of Charlie the Dog found here: Here
5. Post your edited image of Charlie the Dog on your blog under the questions.
6. Properly cite, in MLA, where you got the images. Include The Pioneer Woman’s blog.

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