About Me Prezi


Prezi.com is a cool way to present as well as organize information. Basically, it’s a giant storyboard that YOU get to put together using video, sound, pictures and text. And the best part? It’s really easy!

On Prezi’s website, they have three beginners lessons. Check them out before you begin your own.

The first assignment is a good one. You will answer the following questions and then present them to your teacher in Prezi. Be sure to use LOTS of pictures, videos and music to really show off your creative skills.

1. List the names of your parents and other family members.

2. What has been your best experience in school to date?

3. What has been your worst experience in school to date?

4. What are your hobbies?

5. Do you have a job? Do you volunteer anywhere? Where?

6. What are some bands/singers you like?

7. What are some great movies you’ve seen?

8. What T.V shows do you like to watch?

9. What are your favourite foods?

10. Why did you take this course? (If your parents made you, you can tell me). What do you hope to gain from the course?

Assessment and Evaluation:

Copy and paste this into a Word document and print it out for your teacher:

When I encountered a problem with learning Prezi, I….

My favorite part of this assignment was….

If I had to do this assignment over again, I would…

I think I deserve a (A, B, C+, C) of this assignment because…

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