Social Networking

The Social Network

Social networking impacts our daily lives on different levels. This project will help us think about and understand how exactly we ourselves use it as well as society in a larger sense.

1. Write a formal persuasive letter to yourself that highlights your goals.

How much time do you personally spend on the internet (includes your phone) a day? A week? A month? Is this ideal? If you could change one thing about your internet usage, what would it be and how would you do it? (ie. use less, use more efficiently, use more creatively, etc


2. Briefly research the “Egyptian Revolution”- how did Facebook and Twitter influence it? Create a mind map on Prezi that discusses different components.

Use these links: Wikipedia and News.Google.Com and see what pops up. Remember to copy and paste the URL below your article!

The center should be your title. Surround it with the following headings:

Who, What, When, Where, Why, How

Surrounding each heading, provide an explanation. Any images should be appropriate (non-violent). Use maps, logos, pictures of important figures. Your prezi should utilize the skills that you developed in the About Me project. Embed this in you Assignments page and name it Egyptian Revolution and Social Networking.


3. Pick one social networking site and create a comic on describing the following:

– How does it work?

– Why do people use it?

– Who created it?

– How many people use it?

– How is it ‘different’ than other social networking websites?

Cartoon must have at least 8 slides.


BlogBlogBlog: Post the folowing on your blog as one blog post!

Positive Influence

Mr. Neuf started #1000AwesomeThingsAboutSulli in 2011. What other positive ideas do you think could be launched or accomplished via Social Networking for your school. Brainstorm!

Negative Influence

Write a scenario (very short story or situation) of how the internet could be a negative influence (ie. Addiction, bullying, selling drugs, etc.) and explain of how these could be avoided. What would you do in such a situation?

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