Flash Car

Flash Car

Complete the Flash Car Tutorial that was handed out in class.

Click ‘Insert–> Scene’

You can now create the next 40 frames for your car animation. You can choose what it does! Past students have had it fly away, transform into a robot, stop and have people get out, change colors… the possibilities are endless! Have some fun with this!

Assessment for your Car scenes:

Once you have finished your Car (both scenes) please self-assess your animation using the following criteria:

  • Does it actually work? – 5 marks
  • How complex is the last 40 frames? (is there only one motion or does the car do something else. Another button?) – 10 marks
  • Complexity/Quality of Graphics? – 10 marks

The Car Assignment is worth 25 marks!

Email the Flash file as well as your assessment of the above criteria to brown_colin@sd36.bc.ca

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