HTML/CSS Project

You’re going to build your own website using the ideas that you developed during your last project (Principals of Good Web Design Presentation).

1. Choose a topic for your website. It must be something that serves the community and requires research. Possible topics:

  • Anti-Bullying
  • Internet Addiction
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • How Crowd-Sourced Projects Work (Wikipedia, Kickstarter, etc)
  • Teen Use of Social Media Websites/Apps
  • Cell Phone Product Compares and Reviews
  • Careers in Computers (designing/programming)
  • Other? (you MUST clear it with Mr. Brown before you begin)

2. Research

  • Research what information will go into the project. You MUST have enough content to serve as a reasonably good resource for a person looking for information on your topic.
  • All research must have a SOURCE and must be written IN YOUR OWN WORDS. You may NOT copy/paste from other websites.

3. Layout

  • Decide and DRAW the layout of your web pages. Take into account your principals of good web design. You can not begin coding until you have a drawn mock-up of your site.
  • Find the colour-scheme that you will be using. Make sure you write down the HEX numbers so that you can easily code those colours in.
  • Decide which fonts you would like to use for your HEADING, your BODY, and your LINKS.

4. Graphics

  • In Photoshop, design a web banner to be used for your site. This can be added later as an image.
  • You colours should be the same colours that you had decided on earlier. Search the web to see what other sites do.

5. Dreamweaver

  • Begin coding your website using HTML and CSS in Dreamweaver.


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