
Editor (20):

1. Open Pixlr Editor:
  • Click on “help”” and then “FAQ”.
  • Under the “How-To,” follow the “Intense Portrate” and “Selective Coloring” instructrions.
  • Post both a “before” and “after” picture ofeach in your Pictures page on your website and call it “Pixlr Editor”
  • Explain the purpose of this tool BELOW the picture that you have posted on your ASSIGNMENTS page.
2. Create the following:
  • Do a Google search for an inspirational quote.
  • Search for an inspiring image or an image of the author that is in the Creative Commons- you can search on compfight.com.
  • Manipulate the photo in an artistic way so that you have done THREE things to it and include the text of the quote. Be sure to explain in point form what you have modified on the picture below your assignment.
  • Post the picture on your “Pictures” page.

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