Portfolio Presentation

End of Term Reflection

You will be submitting a printed Word document and a printed PowerPoint document (6 or 9 slide notes) with the following:

Presence of Learning Samples (5 marks):                                                                                                                             

  • All of your assignments must be present on your Weebly

Web Layout, Text Elements, and Writing Mechanics (10 marks):

  • Refer to Rubric
  • Website is clean and organized
  • Spelling and grammar on all assignments/blogs is checked
  • Images are appropriate

Blog Selections and 250 Word Explanation of Blog (20 marks):

  • Copy 3 entries to a Word document.
  • Explain in 250 words the value of and reason behind writing the blogs.
  • Explain what interested you, what you would like to learn more about and why.

Five Critical Reflections on Assignments (25 marks):

  • All five reflections describe why artifacts in portfolio demonstrate achievement and contribute to your continued learning.
  • All reflections illustrate the ability to effectively critique work and provide suggestions for the future.
  •  “Why is this important?”
  • “What did I enjoy about this assignment?”
  • “Why would I want a potential employer to use this as an example of my ability?”

PowerPoint Document (10 marks)

  • Creative and leaves no question about your five assignment reflections and one blog explanation.
  • Table of Contents
  • Appropriate and logical flow of information
  • No Copy and Paste (ideas must be in point form)
  • Actual image caps from your assignments.
  • Printed as “notes” with 6 or 9 slides per page



Blogging IntroDigital Tattoo

Generation C

Location Tracking


Story of Stuff

Artificial Intelligence



Steve Jobs

Avatar5 Comics

Rocket GIF

History of the Internet (Timeline)

Online Photo Editing Project (Strike Project)

Pixlr Assignment

Photoshop Star (Two completed with partner)

Photoshop TigerApple and Orange Zipper

Copyright + Creative Commons Questions

Photoshop Movie Poster (handed in)

Flash Banner(handed in)

Flash Car(handed in)

HTML 1 (Simple Page Assignment)

HTML Complete Website



Marking Rubric

Meets the Standard of Excellence

Approaches the Standard of Excellence

Clearly Meets the Acceptable Standard

Does Not Clearly Meet the Acceptable Standard

Presence of Learning Samples


-All artifacts and work samples are clearly and directly related to the purpose of the portfolio.

-The required learning samples are included

-Most artifacts and work samples are related to the purpose of the portfolio

– Most of learning projects are used.

-Some artifacts and work samples are related to the purpose.

-Some of the projects are used.

-All artefacts are unrelated to the purpose of the portfolio

-Many are missing

Web Layout, Text Elements, and Writing Mechanics


-The e-portfolio is easy to read with appropriate visual organization.
-The background and colors enhance the readability of text.

– Images are appropriate and HIGHLY RELEVANT.

-The writing demonstrates confident control of usage and mechanics

-The relative absence of errors is impressive considering the complexity of the response.

-Every item in portfolio has a title and a spacer above and below

-The e-portfolio is generally easy to read.
-The background and colors enhance the readability of text in most places.

-The writing demonstrates competent control of usage and mechanics

-Any errors do not reduce the clarity or interrupt the flow of the writing

-Most items in portfolio has a title and a spacer above and below

-The e-portfolio is often difficult to read due to inappropriate visual organization of information.

-The background and colors are distracting in some places and decrease the readability of text.

The writing demonstrates general control of usage and mechanics

-Errors that are present may reduce the clarity or interrupt the flow of the response

– Some items in portfolio has a title and a spacer above and below

-The e-portfolio is difficult to read due to inappropriate visual organization of information.
-The background and colors are distracting and decrease the readability of text.

-The writing demonstrates faltering control of usage and mechanics

-Errors reduce the clarity and interrupt the flow of the writing

-None of the artifacts are accompanied by a caption.

Blog Selections and 250 Word Explanation


-Three Blog entries are very sophisticated and reflect an interest in the topic. All three are copied to document.

-Content reflects blog topic and references background information.

-Explanation of their interest is informative and creative.

-Blog entries are somewhat interesting.

-Content reflects topic area and is informative.

-Explanation of their interest is interesting.

-All three are copied to document.

-Blog entries demonstrate very basic understanding of topic.

– Somewhat informative.

-Acceptable explanation of Blog post interest.

-All three are copied to document.

-Blog entries do not reflect the ability of the poster.

-Blog entries lack relevant information or perspective.

– Lacks acceptable explanation of Blog posts.

-All three are copied to document.

Five Reflections



– All five reflections clearly describe why artifacts in the portfolio demonstrate achievement of each standard or goal and include goals for continued learning.

-All reflections illustrate the ability to effectively critique work and provide suggestions for constructive practical alternatives.

– Most of the reflections describe why artifacts in the portfolio demonstrate achievement of each standard or goal and include goals for future learning.

-Most of the reflections illustrate the ability to effectively critique work and provide suggestions for constructive practical alternatives.

-Some reflections describe why artifacts in the portfolio demonstrate achievement of each standard or goal and include goals for future learning.

-Some reflections illustrate the ability to effectively critique work and provide suggestions for constructive practical alternatives.

No reflections describe why artifacts in the portfolio demonstrate achievement of each standard or goal and do not include goals for future learning.

-No reflections illustrate the ability to effectively critique work or provide suggestions for constructive practical alternatives.



-Presentation is extremely creative and leaves no question about the presenter’s ideas.

-Table of Contents and Headers present.

-Logical flow of ideas and topics.

-Printed out as 6 or 9 slide note pages

-Ideas NOT copy/pasted but summarized in short, understandable points.

-Presentation explains presenter’s ideas.

-Table of Contents and Headers present.

-Logical flow of ideas and topics.

-Smooth and logical transitions.

-Ideas NOT copy/pasted but summarized in short, understandable points.

-Printed out as 6 or 9 slide note pages

-Presentation explains the presenter’s ideas.

-Table of Contents and Headers present.

-Logical flow of ideas and topics.

-Smooth and logical transitions.

-Some things copy/pasted

-Printed out as 6 or 9 slide note pages


-Lots of copy/paste

-Printed out as 6 or 9 slide note pages

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