Tag Archives: Glogster

Info Tech 8 – Glogster Poster

Buying A Laptop Project

Once you have finished the worksheet, please go to Glogster and complete a poster with the following:

  • List of computer specifications. (15 marks)
  • At least four applications (things that you will use this computer for. Must include pictures and video). (20 marks)
  • Explanation of why you chose this computer over the others. (5 marks)
  • Price (1 mark)
  • Link to store (1 mark)

Info Tech 8 – Buying A Computer Project

1. Fill out the worksheet that Mr. Brown gave you for “Buying a Computer”.

2. Create a new Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and enter that data.

3. Go to http://www.Glogster.com and create an account using your First Class email address. Your username should be your FIRST initial followed by your LAST name. For example: Mr.Brown’s would be CBrown.

Glogster Assignment:

  • Post 5-8 images of what you will be using your computer for. (Example: Games, homework, typing, research, etc.)
  • Post ALL of the details of the computer that you will be purchasing including where you’re buying it from and the price. It must ALL be on there! Make it fun!

Copy down your username and password onto the sheet Mr. Brown gives you.