Tag Archives: Scratch

Info Tech 8

Game Construction + Planning

Before you start, post this to your Weebly:

1. What is one thing that I’d like to improve on today?


As a warm up, I’d like you to complete ONE project that you haven’t done out of the tutorial package on the black roller-shelf. Once you have that finished, you can begin working on the “Simple Pong Game” tutorial.

When you finish, post this to your blog:

1. What made the game difficult to construct?

2. Did I accomplish my class goal?

3. What did I do differently today?


If you’re finished EVERYTHING:

On Thursday we will be planning out our own Scratch games! Try some of the games on the “Examples” folder that you haven’t played yet and see if you can copy them for practice!



Info Tech – 8

Introduction Question:

Post these questions and answers to your blog and call it “Scratch Dance Party”

What are some strategies could you use (or do use) when you get stuck while designing?

What is the difference between a sprite and a sprite’s costume?

When might you want to use a sprite?

When might you want to use a costume?


Once you are finished, continue to work on the scratch lessons that Mr. Brown handed out.